Protecting your rights in the workplace.

Signs of Ageism in the Workplace and How to Prevent It

Ageism is a form of discrimination based on a person’s age. Since it can be more covert than other forms of bias in the workplace, recognizing the signs is crucial:

Stereotyping and Assumptions

One of the most blatant signs of ageism is assumptions about an individual’s capabilities, work ethic, or adaptability that are made solely based on their age.

Marginalization in Decision-Making

Ageism may manifest through the exclusion of older employees from decision-making processes. If seasoned professionals find themselves consistently sidelined when it comes to important projects, promotions, or strategic discussions, it could be a red flag.

Limited Professional Development Opportunities

Ageism becomes evident when there’s a noticeable lack of professional development opportunities for older employees. If training programs, skill-building initiatives, or mentorship opportunities predominantly target younger staff, it may perpetuate a culture that devalues the contributions of older workers.

Age-Related Jokes and Comments

Inappropriate jokes or comments, whether overt or subtle.

Unequal Benefits and Perks

Disparities in benefits and perks based on age. For example, if older employees are excluded from wellness programs, flexible work arrangements, or other benefits that cater to diverse needs.

Unfair Recruitment Practices

If job postings consistently use language that appeals to a specific age group, or if there’s a pattern of hiring younger candidates over more experienced ones, it suggests systemic age-related biases.

Invisible Barriers to Advancement

If there’s a trend of stalling career progression for experienced workers, despite their qualifications and contributions.

Isolation and Social Exclusion

If older employees are consistently excluded from social activities, networking events, or team-building exercises, it can lead to feelings of isolation and alienation.


Microaggressions related to age can be subtle but damaging. These can include comments about an employee being “too old-fashioned” or assumptions about their technological competence.

Strategies to Prevent Ageism in the Workplace

By implementing the following strategies, companies can create a workplace culture that values employees for their skills, experiences, and contributions, rather than age. This can also help avoid employees engaging in a workplace discrimination lawsuit.

Create and Communicate Inclusive Policies

Develop clear and comprehensive anti-ageism policies, and ensure that employees are aware of them. Communicate a commitment to creating an inclusive workplace that values diversity in age and experience.

Provide Diversity and Inclusion Training

Offer regular training programs on diversity and inclusion, specifically addressing age-related biases.

Encourage Intergenerational Collaboration

Foster an environment that encourages collaboration and mentorship across different age groups.

Promote Equal Opportunities for Advancement

Ensure that career progression is based on merit and achievements rather than age-related assumptions.

Address Microaggressions Promptly

Create a reporting procedure for employees to address and report age-related microaggressions. Promptly investigate and address such incidents to send a clear message that such behavior is not tolerated.

Flexible Work Arrangements

Implement flexible work arrangements that accommodate the diverse needs of employees at different life stages. This includes options for part-time work, phased retirement, or flexible schedules.

Encourage Age Diversity in Leadership

Actively seek to diversify leadership by including individuals from various age groups.

Regularly Evaluate Workplace Practices

Regularly review HR practices, policies, and benefits to ensure they are aligned with an age-inclusive mindset. Seek feedback from employees of all age groups to identify and address any potential biases.