Protecting your rights in the workplace.

Category: Sexual Harassment

Have You Been Sexually Assaulted in the Workplace in California?
Posted in Firm News,Sexual Harassment on October 24, 2019

Sexual Harassment | Workplace Retaliation Workplace sexual assault is common. In fact, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, 58 percent of women experience sexual harassment or assault in the workplace. Over the last several years, the #MeToo movement has exposed the frequency of sexual harassment and assault at work. More than half of…

Why Is Sexual Harassment Common in the Restaurant Industry?
Posted in Firm News,Sexual Harassment on September 20, 2019

Our Los Angeles Sexual Harassment Lawyers Explain This National Issue Service workers have some of the hardest jobs imaginable. Many put up with rude customers, poor tippers, long hours, difficult work and sexual harassment. In the restaurant industry, sexual harassment is extremely common among servers, bartenders, cooks and supervisors.  According to the Harvard Business Review,…

Who Is Liable in a Sexual Harassment or Discrimination Lawsuit?
Posted in Firm News,Sexual Harassment on September 13, 2019

Our Los Angeles Sex Discrimination Attorneys Explain Employer Liability Sexual harassment and discrimination are common problems in the American workplace. As you already know, a national movement, the #MeToo movement, focused on the issue over the past two years. Workers who experience sexual harassment or discrimination can face lasting psychological trauma and damage to their careers. Fortunately,…

How Deductions for Confidential Sexual Harassment Settlements Were Eliminated
Posted in Firm News,Sexual Harassment on January 9, 2019

Nondisclosure agreements (NDA) are notoriously common during workplace sexual harassment settlements. For many decades, your employer could settle a confidential sexual harassment claim and receive a tax deduction. However, a recent tax reform bill forces your employer to choose between using an NDA and receiving a tax deduction. Section 13307 of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) states that…

Why Does the #GoogleWalkout Matter to Workers in California?
Posted in Firm News,Sexual Harassment on December 14, 2018

On November 1, 2018, more than 20,000 Google employees walked out of their offices to protest the company’s handling of sexual harassment claims. The event dubbed #GoogleWalkout is being hailed as a cultural watershed moment, but do you know why? Here’s a look into the event and how it could not only change Google, but…

How Do Sexual Harassment Myths Keep the Cycle of Abuse Going?
Posted in Firm News,Sexual Harassment on December 7, 2018

Some people may believe that sexual harassment doesn’t happen often, but movements like #MeToo are correcting this misconception. Harassment comes in many forms, and myths like this can help perpetuate a culture that condones misbehavior. Here are three more myths that also contribute to blinding workers about the truth of sexual harassment. Myth 1: Real Victims Will…

How Can Sexual Harassment Affect Your Health?
Posted in Firm News,Sexual Harassment on November 21, 2018

With #MeToo continuing to trend on the internet, more people are becoming better informed about sexual harassment. However, many people remain in the dark about how harassment can affect not just the workplace, but workers themselves. Experts say much of this is due to the fact that harassment is not studied as much as it…

How Do I Identify Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment?
Posted in Firm News,Sexual Harassment on November 17, 2018

Our Los Angeles Sexual Harassment Attorneys Discuss The Definition of Quid Pro Quo One form of sexual harassment is commonly referred to as quid pro quo. When an employer engages in sexual activity with an employee, in exchange for employment benefits, then this constitutes quid pro quo. At Yadegar, Minoofar & Soleymani LLP, our Los…

What Is The Legal Definition For Sexual Harassment?
Posted in Firm News,Sexual Harassment on November 17, 2018

Our Los Angeles Sexual Harassment Lawyers Discuss The Characteristics of Sexual Harassment Under California law, sexual harassment is a type of harassment that occurs because of someone’s gender/sex. If an employer is making inappropriate decisions based on a man or woman’s gender, then that constitutes sexual harassment. At Yadegar, Minoofar & Soleymani LLP, our attorneys…

Am I The Victim Of Workplace Sexual Harassment?
Posted in Firm News,Sexual Harassment on November 17, 2018

Our Los Angeles Employment Attorneys Discuss the Different Variations of Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment can exist in many different forms. It can range from inappropriate comments in the workplace to unwanted touching. There are also instances where sexual harassment can rise to the level of criminal prosecution. At Yadegar, Minoofar & Soleymani LLP, our sexual…