Protecting your rights in the workplace.


Why Does the #GoogleWalkout Matter to Workers in California?
December 14, 2018 | Firm News,Sexual Harassment

On November 1, 2018, more than 20,000 Google employees walked out of their offices to protest the company’s handling of sexual harassment claims. The event dubbed #GoogleWalkout is being hailed as a cultural watershed moment, but do you know why? Here’s a look into the event and how it could not only change Google, but…

How Do Sexual Harassment Myths Keep the Cycle of Abuse Going?
December 7, 2018 | Firm News,Sexual Harassment

Some people may believe that sexual harassment doesn’t happen often, but movements like #MeToo are correcting this misconception. Harassment comes in many forms, and myths like this can help perpetuate a culture that condones misbehavior. Here are three more myths that also contribute to blinding workers about the truth of sexual harassment. Myth 1: Real Victims Will…

What Are the Signs that My Employer Fired Me for Being Too Old?
November 28, 2018 | Discrimination,Firm News

The Age Discrimination in Employment Act and the Fair Employment and Housing Act protect Californians from instances of age discrimination. Yet, some companies still attempt to cut older employees from their rosters, especially in the tech industry. Here are a few methods our experienced Los Angeles employment attorneys can use to determine if you were…

How Can Sexual Harassment Affect Your Health?
November 21, 2018 | Firm News,Sexual Harassment

With #MeToo continuing to trend on the internet, more people are becoming better informed about sexual harassment. However, many people remain in the dark about how harassment can affect not just the workplace, but workers themselves. Experts say much of this is due to the fact that harassment is not studied as much as it…

What Are The Characteristics Of Workplace Discrimination?
November 17, 2018 | Discrimination,Firm News

Our Los Angeles Employment Attorneys Answer Questions About Workplace Discrimination Workplace discrimination is often extremely personal and can drastically affect a person’s career opportunities. For these reasons, workplace discrimination claims are very sensitive for both the employer and the employee. You will need to provide hard evidence and documentation in order to successfully win your…

What Are Idea Submission Cases?
November 17, 2018 | Firm News,Intellectual Property

Our Los Angeles Intellectual Property Lawyers Explain the Meaning of Idea Submission Cases One area of intellectual property law involves idea submission cases. Idea submission cases arose in California and were created because it is often difficult to establish a copyright violation. At Yadegar, Minoofar & Soleymani LLP, our attorneys will help you maintain control…

Is My Non Compete Agreement Valid In California?
November 17, 2018 | Employment Litigation,Firm News

Our Los Angeles Employment Law Attorneys Discuss Non-Compete Agreements in California For the majority of situations, non compete agreements are illegal in California. The state encourages open competition and wants employees to have flexibility when leaving an employer. However, there are certain exceptions, including the sale of assets and the sale of the goodwill of…

Is My Employer Monitoring My Email And Internet Usage?
November 17, 2018 | Firm News

Our Los Angeles Labor Attorneys Discuss Employers Monitoring Email & Internet Usage You may consider it to be immoral for an employer to monitor your email and internet usage at work. However, under California law, they own the property (computers, keyboards, etc.) and can legally monitor what is on your screen. At Yadegar, Minoofar &…

How Do I Identify Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment?
November 17, 2018 | Firm News,Sexual Harassment

Our Los Angeles Sexual Harassment Attorneys Discuss The Definition of Quid Pro Quo One form of sexual harassment is commonly referred to as quid pro quo. When an employer engages in sexual activity with an employee, in exchange for employment benefits, then this constitutes quid pro quo. At Yadegar, Minoofar & Soleymani LLP, our Los…

Do I Need An Attorney After Receiving A Severance Package?
November 17, 2018 | Employment Litigation,Firm News

Our Los Angeles Employment Law Attorneys Review Important Details About Severance Packages Although California law does not require employers to provide laid-off employees with severance packages, they can still choose to do so. Many larger companies have policies that create built-in severance packages for laid-off employees. When this occurs, you should hire an attorney to…